Speed Card Game

Speed is a popular, fast-paced card game for 2 players that is known for high energy and winner’s proud bragging rights. A game only takes a few minutes and all you need is a single deck of cards. Most everyone knows how to play speed, but if not, it’s very simple and anyone can learn.

The Rules to Speed

Dealing: (refer also to the image below)

Speed a card game also known as Spit or Slam, is very fast-paced multiplayer card game and it could result in damage to the cards - so play this on your device and don't ruin your actual playing cards. Spit and Slam are variation of Speed. Speed supports online multiplayer mode over the internet. Test your speed skills against other players. The card game Speed is a very fast-paced game played with a standard deck of cards. It's not all about speed because you also need to play tactfully. Playing card games is one of the most enjoyable ways to pass the time, especially if you play the card game Speed. Spit, a card game also known as Speed or Slam, is a fast-paced game and it could result in damage to the cards, so don't use your best deck. Players 2 players. Spit, a card game also known as Speed or Slam, is a fast-paced game and it could result in damage to the cards, so don't use your best deck.

  • When dealing for the game of speed, keep all cards faced down until the game begins.
  • In the center of the table, make 2 piles of 5 cards and separate them. In between those 2 piles, place 2 cards side-by-side.
  • Deal the rest of the cards so each player has a pile of 20 cards.
  • Each player can then take the top 5 cards off of their piles of 20 and prepare to begin the game.


  • To begin the game, each player simultaneously grabs a card in the center of the table and flips it over. This is usually done at the same time by counting to 3 together, then flipping.
  • There are no turns in speed, so from there, players can quickly lay down cards from their hands (if possible), one after the other, on either of the faced up cards.
  • A card can only play if it is in sequential order (either increasing or decreasing) of the showing cards on either of the 2 piles. For example if you have a 5,6,6,7,J in your hand and the middle piles show a Queen and a 5, you could lay down your 6 on top of the 5. From there (if you are quicker than your opponent) you could lay down your 7, then your other 6, then your 5, and you could lay your Jack down on the other pile (because it is showing a Queen). Sequences can wrap around the horn (Queen to King to Ace to 2 to 3 for example).
  • After playing cards, you will need draw from your faced down stack of 15 cards to refill your hand. You can have no more than 5 cards in your hand at a time. Being able to quickly and continuously refill your hand is crucial to being a great speed player.
  • Sometimes gameplay stops because no one can play a card from their hand. Once both players admit their inability to play, they should each (at the same time) grab the top card from the outside piles and flip them over faced-up onto the inside piles. Gameplay continues on from there.
  • The first person to lay down all of their 20 cards wins the game.

Have fun!

Common Questions

Speed card game youtube

How do you play speed by yourself?

One simple way to play speed by yourself is to deal the center board normally, but put the rest of the cards into your own draw pile. Instead of playing a 5-card hand, play a 7-card hand. Now start a timer and play as normal. Get through all 40 cards in under a minute to win.

Can you match cards in speed?

No. Cards must be played in sequential order, either increasing or decreasing.

Speed Card Game Setup

Help your children master the multiplication facts and skip counting with the Speed! card game. Speed! is actually a set of eight card games with separate decks for the “2s” through the “9s.” Very much like standard playing cards, Speed! card decks are printed in a different color for each deck.


Speed Card Game App

Two people may play at a time, facing each other across a table. The selected deck is dealt evenly to the players who each hold their stack of cards face down in their hand. They each set out four cards in front of them with space between the two lines of four cards. Each player then takes the top card from his or her deck in hand and puts it on the table between the two rows. These two are the cards to be played upon. Players take cards from the four in front of them and play them one at a time on the center cards when they have a card that is the next before or after in the “skip count” order for that deck. For example, playing with the “2s” deck, only a “6” or “10” may be played on an “8.” Players continue playing on the center cards as long as they can, continually replacing their four cards in front of them. If two identical numbers show up on the center cards, players compete to shout “Speed!”—the loser has to pick up all the center cards and add them to his or her deck. The first to get rid of all their cards wins. This is a fast-playing game—a great way to begin or wind up your math lesson with some fun. You can see a demonstration of how the game is played on video on the publisher’s website.

This game helps students to become fluent “skip counters,” a skill that translates into easier mastery of the multiplication facts. Children can begin to play as soon as they can count fairly well up to '20'—probably about age 5 or 6.

Speed Card Game Layout

Another way to use the cards decks is to actually work on memorizing the multiplication facts by laying the decks out in numerical (skip-counting) order.

Speed Card Game Rules

The cards are attractive, and they come packaged in colorful individual boxes within a sturdy larger box. Beyond the learning value, Speed! should provide some great family fun. Don’t be surprised if your children beat you.